giovedì, marzo 02, 2006

Internet Ad Spending

Sulla scia del post pubblicato ieri, pubblico una ricerca uscita oggi su eMarketer riguardante la presa di coscienza definitiva da parte dei pubblicitari dell'online adv come mezzo fondamentale e non solo residuale nelle pianificazioni pubblicitarie. La seguente ricerca è completa dei trend previsti a partire da questi primi mesi del 2006.

Internet Ad Spending Continues to Thrive

According to new data released by TNS Media Intelligence, spending on Internet display ads grew by 13% to $8.3 billion during 2005. Spending on traditional media, including local newspapers, network TV and consumer magazines, continues to lead, but online advertising spending far outweighs spending on national newspapers, outdoor ads and network radio.

TNS Media Intelligence noted a slight weakening in some areas, but in terms of growth and within the context of ad spending in all media, online ad spending remains very strong.

Internet ad spending
At the same time, Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance recently examined the growth in display ad impressions, and their findings demonstrate a clear growth trend from March 2005 through January 2006:

Internet ad spending

Finally, OnlineMedia Daily, reported in late February that Merrill Lynch remains bullish because, according to the firm, Internet advertising is the only medium showing any real growth. Merrill Lynch also reports that online advertising revenues are expected to show an increase of 27.4% in 2006. Meanwhile, eMarketer contends, in a more detailed breakdown, that growth in all areas of online ad spending points to a robust future for the next few years.

Internet ad spending

posted by Andrea Signori @ 2.3.06   0 comments